Page name: room of torture [Logged in view] [RSS]
2013-01-31 05:30:23
Last author: Eyonic
Owner: Eyonic
# of watchers: 6
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D20: 6
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Enter a room meant for torture. A large room it is, filled with all sorts of devices that could be used to torture someone. Over there is the spinning wheel of doom and there is a faucet for anyone who needs to use water for their fun. In the closet and cupboards you can find all sorts of interesting (and dangerous) items.




Newly added hallway:
Cain's room
no other rooms have been claimed yet

Abandoned hallway:
Over to Poe's Room
Over to Pup's Room
Over to Vic's Room
Over to Cykes's Room
Over to Bishop's Room

Outside the mansion:
to the blood forest

Back to Torture Castle rp


Archive: Torture Room2

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2008-02-21 [Rook.]: *hugs tightly*

2008-02-21 [Lady Arrianya]: *is hugged, buries head in poe's arms*

2008-02-21 [Rook.]: tell me when you are ready *rocks back and forth slowly*

2008-02-21 [Lady Arrianya]: *shifts into a human and buries her head innpoes shoulder.*

2008-02-21 [Rook.]: *hugs Anya*

2008-02-21 [Lady Arrianya]: *clings, tears flowing fast*

2008-02-21 [Rook.]: *rocks back and forth softly*

2008-02-21 [Lady Arrianya]: *tries to stop tears, but fails*

2008-02-21 [Rook.]: *continues to rock*

2008-02-21 [Lady Arrianya]: *pulls a dagger*

2008-02-21 [Rook.]: @_@ !! *destroys dagger*

2008-02-21 [Lady Arrianya]: *pulls another quickly*

2008-02-21 [Eyonic]: *grabs the dagger and snaps in half*

2008-02-21 [Lady Arrianya]: *pulls one that neither can dispose of*

2008-02-21 [Eyonic]: *kicks it out of anya's hand*

2008-02-21 [Lady Arrianya]: *summons blade back*

2008-02-21 [Eyonic]: *throws up hands* FINE! have your goddamn knife! I might as well not even come to this wiki anymore with your ceaseless whining and prattling about how much you want to die. If you want it so bad, then do it! goodbye. 

2008-02-21 [Lady Arrianya]: *starts crying again, knife shaking in hand*

2008-02-22 [Rook.]: *gently takes it away* tell me what is wrong...please...

2008-02-22 [Lady Arrianya]: pup....*continues sobbing non-stop*

2008-02-27 [Rook.]: *hugs* It's okya

2008-02-27 [Eyonic]: yes, it's okay....

2008-02-28 [Rook.]: i love you all ^^ *giggles* hehehe

2008-02-28 [Eyonic]: you do?

2008-02-28 [Rook.]: sure...lets go with that and not the fact i had mountani dew while i was speaking ^^

2008-02-28 [Eyonic]: ah, okay then.

2008-02-28 [Rook.]: yeah

2008-03-01 [Lady Arrianya]: ok then.....I prolly will be hit and miss for a while unless someone wants to send me the updated pages to e-mail and I could post that way......the principal is being evil atm and had our tech block me from this site and one of the other ones that I do alot on....and considering I am one of the leaders there, it's not that good. It sucks to tell the truth

2008-03-02 [Eyonic]: don't worry anya, I'll allow you to post with my computer.

2008-03-04 [Lady Arrianya]: yay! thankies

2008-03-04 [Rook.]: ^^

2008-03-04 [Eyonic]: grrrrrr, darn you Poe!

2008-03-04 [Rook.]: ^_^ *laughs* hey...that's what I'm here for ^^

2008-03-04 [Eyonic]: very funny...

2008-03-04 [Rook.]: sorry....Do you want to have accidently taken some of the poison when I pushed your strength back to you?

2008-03-04 [Eyonic]: nah

2008-03-04 [Rook.]: alrighty...

2008-03-05 [Rook.]: @-@ !!!! SOMEON POST !!!!! PLEASE !!!! I'M GOING CRAZY !!! !!! !!! !!! !!!

2008-03-05 [Eyonic]: wow...

2008-03-05 [Rook.]:'s been a hectic and emotional day for me...v_v

2008-03-05 [Eyonic]: oh...

2008-03-06 [Rook.]: yeah...sorry

2008-03-10 [Eyonic]: lol!

2008-03-10 [Rook.]: ^_^

2008-03-10 [Eyonic]: ack! where is riddle or victoria or anya! two people rping can only last so long!

2008-03-10 [Rook.]: *grins* Riddle is here

2008-03-10 [Eyonic]: so he is...lovely!

2008-03-10 [Rook.]: ^_^ yummy

2008-03-10 [Eyonic]: lol ^^

2008-03-10 [Rook.]: ^_^

2008-03-12 [Eyonic]: who wants to rp the chieftain?

2008-03-12 [Rook.]: I'll do it...

2008-03-12 [Eyonic]: lol, oki

2008-03-14 [Lady Arrianya]: Pup knows my reason for not exactly being here.....

2008-03-14 [Rook.]: ANYA!!!!!! *runs over and glomps Anya joyfully*

2008-03-14 [Lady Arrianya]: *huggles then vanishes again* riddle has contact with me...he knows most of what is going on too....he has my permission to tell Poe if she cant get contact with me as well soon.*

2008-03-14 [Rook.]: alright.... v.v Is sad becaus Anya is gone*

2008-03-14 [Eyonic]: my god you two! take the rp to one of your rooms for godssake! I just had to archive last time I was here!

2008-03-14 [Lady Arrianya]: lol...dont blow a gasket pup! they are "in love" after all....and I cant personally blame them for wanting to show it either.

2008-03-14 [Rook.]: *grins* ^^

2008-03-14 [Sir Riddle]: *innocent look* who? us?? in love??? it's not that obvious, is it???^^^" *grins*

2008-03-14 [Lady Arrianya]: me and pup it is blatently obvious...but we generally pick up on the small stuff rather easily anyhow....thats why she was so mad at me for the longest time...and I think she is still upset for some reason...not sure what though....Ive followed my promises....with help

2008-03-14 [Rook.]: @.@ *glomps Riddle*

2008-03-14 [Eyonic]: ...... I don't know what you're talking about anya. Me? upset? impossible!

2008-03-14 [Lady Arrianya]: we will talk about this later pup

2008-03-14 [Rook.]: *coughs* I've seen you upset, Pup... *says quietly*

2008-03-15 [Eyonic]: actually Poe, no you haven't..... when I get upset, I....lose control....Anya has seen that before, but only once.....

2008-03-17 [Rook.]: oh...

2008-03-17 [Lady Arrianya]: Yeah. it was not a pretty sight. It was all I could do to calm her down. I am mmuch the way myself and there is not a single person alive that has seen me that pissed. Pup has seen me close. *coughs* twiggy's arm being all but broken....

2008-03-17 [Rook.]: @.@

2008-03-18 [Eyonic]: yesh........ though most people don't know it, I am a sadistic violent little savage......

2008-03-18 [Rook.]: *grins* sounds like me before coffee...

2008-03-18 [Eyonic]: ewwwww, me no likey coffee

2008-03-18 [Lady Arrianya]: lol...I'll take the coffee though.....esp since I'm shaking like hell right now.

2008-03-18 [Eyonic]: ? how are you on here anya?

2008-03-18 [Rook.]: *huggles* I don't care how she is on here... I'm just glad she is.... oh...and Cykes and I might need some parental supervision, Pup and/or Anya...

2008-03-18 [Lady Arrianya]: ok then....and Pup, its called I have my just took a while to find them...and they might become unavailible at one point too so cant be on too often.

2008-03-18 [Rook.]: *nods* I'm glad you have your ways... I would giev you my laptop to use if i were there...

2008-03-18 [Lady Arrianya]: lol....yeah....I know. I would go and get one with a wireless card so that I could have internet free and clear if I could afford it.....or I would be with Zath..a friend of mine. She is having issues herself atm though...

2008-03-18 [Rook.]: *nods* perfectly understandable....

Curiosity... does anyone want to create their own Reality at all?? I reject your reality and substitute my own!!....

2008-03-18 [Lady Arrianya]: ill try it...i'm in an adventurousish mood atm.

2008-03-18 [Rook.]: *smiles* yay ^^

2008-03-18 [Lady Arrianya]: nm..*frowns* not enough time on here.....damn class bells and blocks and life *starts chewing on paw in pure frustration*

2008-03-18 [Rook.]: @.@ NONONONONONNO!!!! HERE... chew on this.... *hands you a yummy tasteing chewy-something and bandages your paw*

2008-03-18 [Lady Arrianya]: *starts chewing then spits out* Yuck! *goes back to chewing, only now on the bandage*

2008-03-18 [Rook.]: Yuck?? Its a YUMMY TASTING chew thingy.... >> Hmmm... *throws away the box* At least the bandage is non-undo-able... You can put as much pressure on it that you want... but it can't break or hurt anything... only pain...

2008-03-18 [Lady Arrianya]: good.

2008-03-18 [Rook.]: *nods*

2008-03-18 [Rook.]:


2008-03-18 [Eyonic]: ?

2008-03-18 [Rook.]: *grins* or not ^^ Ima about ready to eat Cykes ^^

2008-03-18 [Lady Arrianya]: *jerks Poe so she cant do anything and chains her so she cant cause anything that isnt a good thing to happen. (good for others poe...not for you) Resumes chewing, kinda enjoying the pain*

2008-03-18 [Rook.]: *pouts and looks hungrily at Cykes* but its so yummy!!!! all of that pudding... *starry eyes*

2008-03-18 [Lady Arrianya]: keep it to a decent rating or take it to your rooms....we dont need to be seeing it.

2008-03-18 [Eyonic]: lol, I still think we ought to make this page rater R.....

2008-03-18 [Sir Riddle]: *grins* it won't get too bad..., I hope...*looks at poe, slightly doubting his words*^^^

2008-03-18 [Rook.]: *grins and licks her lips* I think we could take this to one of our rooms... not for the rp, of course... ^_^ *innocent look* ^^

2008-03-18 [Sir Riddle]: we could^^^

2008-03-18 [Rook.]: So...? Whats the verdict?? Shall we?? or shall we not?? ^^

2008-03-18 [Sir Riddle]: your choice^^^

2008-03-18 [Rook.]: Well... *angelic face* you already know MY answer ^^

2008-03-18 [Sir Riddle]: indeed I do^^^

2008-03-18 [Rook.]: *grins* Well...? ^^ mine or your room? or a different one altogther?

2008-03-18 [Sir Riddle]: *grins evilly* how about pup's room??^^^ wouldn't she like that??^^^

2008-03-18 [Rook.]: *giggles* nah... she's like my sis... and I absolutley REFUSE to do it in Anya's room... shes like my sis as well... If i weren't so afraid of what Vic would do to me, I would say there... but Bishop is out of the question... So... *thinks, then grins* somewhere else....

2008-03-18 [Sir Riddle]: the forest would be too public^^^

2008-03-18 [Rook.]: *laughs* ^^

2008-03-18 [Eyonic]: well, I personally don't care how graphic you get, as long as it isn't on this main page, so go anywhere else.

2008-03-18 [Rook.]: *giggles*

2008-03-18 [Sir Riddle]: *blinks*not even asking us to keep it private...?

2008-03-18 [Rook.]: *looks stunned* Yeah...?

2008-03-18 [Eyonic]: I don't really mind. Almost every one of the rps that I'm in are romantic... one of them is rather....graphic...

2008-03-18 [Sir Riddle]: *blinks, than nods* well..., ok...?^^^"

2008-03-18 [Rook.]: *blinks* which one is graphic, Pup?? as in the Rp name.... *puppy eyes*

2008-03-18 [Eyonic]: no way am I gonna tell you. tis a personal torture rp that I'm having with a friend.

2008-03-18 [Lady Arrianya]: ohh god! Poe wants to read alot of mushiness......I dont even have a room Poe because I ussually crash in yours...the whole safety bit when we started....I'm not really worried myself...Anywhere at Pup's discretion. I have no problem with any of that...its just when the students in our school decide to have a full makeout session in the middle of the hall that bugs me to no end!

2008-03-18 [Rook.]: *giggles* I understand, Pup... and Anya, you DO have a room... you just haven't decorated it yet...

and yes, that would bug me as well... unless I were the one in it... *grins* ^^

2008-03-18 [Lady Arrianya]: ok then.....I've still been crashing in yours because we are still being targeted....just so happens you and Cykes have turned this into a playground...which is ok with me btw

2008-03-18 [Rook.]: WEll... we needed to smile, and you haven't been on... and Pup han't rpd that much... >.> we were bored with no one outside of ourselves to play with...

2008-03-18 [Eyonic]: lol, fine with me too

2008-03-18 [Rook.]: *grins*

2008-03-18 [Lady Arrianya]: *shakes head then plops it onto her paws* I'm thinking I shouldnt have eaten even though I was ordered to

2008-03-18 [Eyonic]: I'm thinking I shouldn't have eaten so much...

2008-03-18 [Rook.]: I had chicken the other day (>.< ICK... meat...>.>) and I think it wasn't cooked all of the way... i got sick >>

2008-03-18 [Lady Arrianya]: I'm sick cuz of stress...I havent been eating very much at all...Ive been ordered to eat daily because I went almost 38 hrs w/o food.

2008-03-18 [Eyonic]: ........I would die........I love food

2008-03-18 [Lady Arrianya]: thats you though pup

2008-03-18 [Eyonic]: yup yup! stomach like a black hole!

2008-03-18 [Rook.]: I would die as well... well... not really... I don't eat alot, though i do love food... >>

2008-03-18 [Lady Arrianya]: yups^^ that is you pup

2008-03-18 [Eyonic]: tehehehehehe, and I'm proud of it!

2008-03-18 [Rook.]: *grins*

2008-03-20 [Lady Arrianya]: *shakes head again* leave it up to her to be so......cant think of the word right now

2008-03-20 [Rook.]: *nods and huggles*

2008-03-20 [Lady Arrianya]: *just sits there, trying to master own emotions*

2008-03-20 [Rook.]: *hugs tightly and gently rocks*

2008-09-29 [Eyonic]: hmmmm....i cant remember where pup was at last....

2008-09-30 [Rook.]: me either...

2008-10-15 [Frost-:-Wing]: hihihi

2008-10-15 [Rook.]: hi

2008-10-15 [Rook.]: we were at the room of torture... just meet us there... kk?

2008-10-15 [Frost-:-Wing]: okay

2008-10-15 [Eyonic]: meow

2008-10-15 [Rook.]: EYO!!!! *pounces in kitten form*

2008-10-15 [Eyonic]: Ack! I ish being attackered!

2008-10-15 [Rook.]: *backs off* sorry dearest Eyo...

2008-10-15 [Eyonic]: eh em *straitens ruffled fur* of course Poe

2008-10-15 [Frost-:-Wing]: WHAT!! *pounces Poe* grrr

2008-10-15 [Rook.]: *growls at Snow and pounces again*

2008-10-15 [Eyonic]: weeeeee! pouncey pouncey fun fun!

2008-10-15 [Frost-:-Wing]: *is pounced* *pounces back*

2008-10-15 [Frost-:-Wing]: GAH *dies*

2008-10-15 [Frost-:-Wing]: lol y ya gots ta pik on da noo guy?? >_>

2008-10-15 [Frost-:-Wing]: anyone still here!!!!??

2008-10-15 [Eyonic]: yar...for like a minute more a going now...bye bye!

2008-10-15 [Frost-:-Wing]: bYE BYE EYO!!

2008-10-15 [Eyonic]: k im back

2008-10-16 [Frost-:-Wing]: hahaha

2008-10-16 [Frost-:-Wing]: LOL Did you plan this all out before I even joined??

2008-10-16 [Rook.]: EYO!!!!!!!!! **air cuddleS* yeah, absiclay peter..

2008-10-16 [Frost-:-Wing]: absiclay?? :P

2008-10-16 [Frost-:-Wing]: *is in math*

2008-10-23 [Rook.]: abiscaly,yes,,, oh shooot.... you took the post from me... :/

2008-10-23 [Frost-:-Wing]: sorry, I thought you wanted me to do it. You can post on top of

2008-10-23 [Rook.]: its fine :P

2008-10-23 [Frost-:-Wing]: okay :P

2008-10-23 [Rook.]: so, anyway peter... :P

2008-10-23 [Frost-:-Wing]: :P o_O

2008-10-23 [Frost-:-Wing]: Are you posting? *pokes*

2008-10-23 [Eyonic]: hmmmm

2008-10-27 [Rook.]: PETER. POST. NOW!

2008-10-28 [Frost-:-Wing]: I think you need to calm down, just a tad. :P

2008-10-28 [Rook.]: NO.I.DO.NOT! I.AM.PERFECTLY.FINE! *eye twitches*

2008-10-28 [Eyonic]: *pokes twitching eye* you sure?

2008-10-28 [Rook.]: yesh... *turns into a kitty* when is pup posting??

2008-10-28 [Eyonic]: soon lol

2008-10-28 [Frost-:-Wing]: I posty now.

2008-10-29 [Frost-:-Wing]: Hope you don't mind that little character controlling there, Poe.

2008-10-29 [Frost-:-Wing]: *pets kitty*

2009-01-16 [Lady Arrianya]: *rumbles somewhat contentedly from my corner, still invisible*

2009-01-16 [Rook.]: *huggles Anya*

2009-03-09 [Lady Arrianya]: *hugs poe back*

2009-03-10 [Rook.]: *stays with Anya*

2009-03-10 [Lady Arrianya]: *smiles* yay

2009-07-09 [Eyonic]: nom

2009-07-10 [Child of the night - lord of vampires]: *cuddles into the corner with Poe and Anya*

2009-07-12 [Eyonic]: :(

2009-07-13 [Child of the night - lord of vampires]: join us my child

2009-07-13 [Eyonic]: :P *jumps over and sprawls on everyone* hehe

2009-07-20 [Child of the night - lord of vampires]: *grins* Night sandwich yum yum :P

2009-07-21 [Lady Arrianya]: lmao...*cuddles tighter into night's right side and falls asleep against him with pup acting as a blanket, feeling safe with all my friends here*

2009-07-27 [Child of the night - lord of vampires]: your all safe with me looking out for you :)

2009-08-05 [Lady Arrianya]: (yay lol)

2010-07-12 [Rook.]: *nibbles on everyone* gods i'm so hungry...

2010-07-13 [Eyonic]: *shakes the dust off fur* hur?

2010-09-18 [Lady Arrianya]: *randomly pops in* sorry i have been gone so much of late. life has been rather....chaotic of late

2010-09-19 [Eyonic]: you think your life's chaotic? >.>

2010-09-23 [Lady Arrianya]: ya true... So both our lives are chaotic :P

2010-12-13 [Rook.]: make that three *falls on Anya and cuddles*

2010-12-14 [Eyonic]: sigh, i hate being broke

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